Please note that effective Thursday, January 11th, the mandatory speed restriction that has been in place in the St. Lawrence River and the Gulf of St. Lawrence since August 2017, has been lifted by the Minister of Transport. For further details, please refer to the following press release issued by Transport Canada:
2018 01 11 Transport Canada Press Release
To comply with the speed restriction that was in place, Oceanex vessels were required to operate at reduced speeds during a portion of each voyage between Montreal and St. John’s, while increasing speeds outside of the restricted zone to ensure our transit times and service levels were maintained. This resulted in a significant increase in vessel fuel costs and labour costs at our terminals. As a result, Oceanex had implemented a temporary Marine Protection Surcharge equal to 4% of freight charges for the movement of goods to and from Newfoundland over our Montreal service. Effective Thursday, January 11th, this surcharge has been lifted and will no longer apply.
Oceanex thanks its customers for their support and understanding over the last 5 months.